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BST-860 เครื่องทดสอบระบบแบตเตอรี่รถยนต์

SKU : BST-860


6,000.00 Baht

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Battery Tester BST-860

The new BST-860 battery system tester with integrated printer offers a comprehensive solution for 6V, 12V and 24V batteries and related

electrical systems testing and in the end of the test, giving the report to customers.

It is compatible with a huge variety of battery types, rated in CCA, JIS, DIN, CA, EN, MCA, IEC, BCI, SAE, and GB.

It provides easy, intuitive operation with a quick, accurate assessment of battery condition and electrical system performance.

The integrated printer provides easy service documentation. The printing sequence is clear and quick, with a completed printout in just seconds.

The printer uses standard thermal paper that is easy to find at any office supply store

Product Features;

A variety of applicable vehicle types, battery types, and calibration system

The battery and circuit system can be detected simultaneously

The battery test result is quick and accurate (within 3 Sec.)

Results of the battery test: „Good“ or „To replace“

Available to the batch inspection of battery by testing continuously and repeatedly

Support Automatic temperature compensation function

Large screen with backlight and user-friendly interface

Support multiple languages menu

Built-in thermal printer

The USB port can export service records

Language: European Configuration A: English, German, Italian, French, Polish, Russian European Configuration B: Dutch, Swedish, Finnish, Turkish, Danish, Norwegian

Test Scale

CCA 100~2000 JIS 26A17~245H52 DIN 100~1400 CA 100~2000 EN 100~2000 MCA 100~2000 IEC 100~1400 BCI 100~2000 SAE 100~2000 GB 30Ah~200Ah

Applicable Vehicle Car, motorcycles, lawn mowers and other gardening machines, Group 31, commercial vehicles 4D/8D

Applicable battery types 6V, 12V and 24V batteries (Lead-acid battery, gel battery and AGM battery)

Battery Test Support

Starter Test Support

Voltage Test Support

Grounding Test Support

Alternator Test Support

Ripple Test Support

Electric Current Test Support

Charging System Test Support

Battery 6V, 12V, 24V

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